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Mutanza scempio 7

Title translation: 
Compasso's seventh single-tempo galliard variation
Dance Type: 
Number of dancers: 

Start with feet, side by side, neither one in front of the other - a pie pari.

  1. jump to the left, starting and ending on both feet
  2. jump to the left again
  3. kick backwards with the left foot, hopping on the right foot
  4. kick forwards with the left foot, hopping on the right foot
  5. cadenza - jump 
  6. land on both feet


  1. jump to the right, landing on both feet, feet even - neither one in front.
  2. jump to the right again
  3. kick backwards with the right foot, hopping on the elft
  4. kick forwards with the right foot, hopping on the left
  5. cadenza - jump
  6. land on both feet

The first tempo moves you a little way to the left, the second brings you back.



It's possible that the two balzetti are to be done to the left and then to the right, in the same tempo: I prefer going twice to one side in one tempo, then coming back in the next.

Condensed version, for calling: 
  1. Jump left
  2. jump left
  3. left back
  4. left forwards
  5. jump
  6. land

Other side:

  1. jump right 
  2. jump right
  3. right back
  4. right forwards
  5. jump
  6. land
About this translation: 

Katherine Davies, 2016.


Two balzetti (little jumps) with even feet, to the side, with the campanella.


7. Duoi balzetti a pie paro per fiancho con la canpanella.