Compasso's tenth mutanza scempio (simple variation, taking one measure) is this:
Ponta è calcagno in volta.
Toe and heel, turning around.
I've had trouble finding a way to do this that feels tidy and looks good. I've juat had a breakthrough on "feeling tidy and looking good", but I have some concerns about whether it's an accurate interpretation of the step.
In the past, I've tended to do two punte e calgcanio with the left foot turning around to the left, in one tempo of galliard music (toe, heel, toe, heel, cadenza). That's easy enough to do on the spot, but getting the turn in is tricky. It definitely requires little hops (zoppetti) on each movement. Still, it hasn't felt good, and I don't feel I've performed it all that well.
Today's inspiration: use the "toe" part of the "toe-and-heel" to push myself round: use left toes to push to the right, then stop the rotation with a left heel-tap, then push to the right again with left toes, and stop again with left heel.
I really like the look and feel of this: the turn comes easily, the movements can be both smooth and dramatic, control is easy, and the cadenza comes naturally.
My only concern is that Caroso's description of a Punta e Calcagnio in Il Ballarino explicitly includes those zoppetti. However, that's in a work published 20 years later, in a context that isn't specific to the galliard, let alone this mutanza. Compasso himself didn't include descriptions for most of the terms he uses. So I think I'm willing to bend that later step description to get a mutanza that - whether or not it's exactly what Compasso intended - seems to me entirely in keeping with good renaissance style, and which is fun to perform and looks good.