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Clone of Mutanza scempio 14

Also known as: 

Zoppetti and Campanella, forwards

Title translation: 
Compasso's fourteenth single-tempo galliard variation
Dance Type: 
Number of dancers: 


  1. hop on the right foot, holding the left foot near the ground (in front?), moving forwards
  2. hop on the right foot, again, in the same way
  3. hop on the right foot, in place,  kicking the left foot backwards
  4. hop on the right foot, in place, kicking the left foot forwards
  5. cadenza - jump
  6. land on both feet


  1. hop on the left foot, holding the right foot near the ground (in front?), moving forwards
  2. hop on the left foot, again, in the same way
  3. hop on the left foot, in place,  kicking the right foot backwards
  4. hop on the left foot, in place, kicking the right foot forwards
  5. cadenza - jump
  6. land on both feet



It's not clear which words modify which phrase: does this mean that the hops are done moving forwards, or that the foot is held in front, or both (if indeed "going forwards along the room" is what's meant by per longo)? Both interpretations work.

Compare with 13. zoppetti to the side and campanella

Condensed version, for calling: 

2 hops forwards, campanella

foot in front ...

  1. hop
  2. hop
  3. kick back
  4. forwards
  5. jump
  6. land

This takes one tempo (one bar in 6/4 or 6/8; two bars in 3/4 or 3/2) of galliard music.

About this translation: 

Katherine Davies, 2016.


Two hops (zoppetti) with feet on the ground going along [the room] with the little bell (campanella).


14. Duoi zoppetti col piede in terra per longo con la campanella.