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Man 4

Dance Type: 
Part of choreography: 

Passo Mezo (Ballarino)

About this translation: 

Katherine Davies, 2004, updated 2016


The man will do two Sottopiede to the left, and two Riverenze preste with the right foot, and one Trabuchetto: then with the same foot he will do another Sottopiedi to the right, with another two Riverenza preste with the right, and one Trabuchetto to the right, one Sottipiedi to the left, with two Fioretti forwards, beginning with the left foot, and Toe and heel with the right and with the left, and the Cadenza with the left foot behind, doing two Passi in gagliarda, beginning with the left, and a Capriola, landing in time with the end of the [strain of] music.

About this reconstruction: 

Katherine Davies, 2017


 This one is still tentative.


bar step Calling text (translated) notes
  1 sottopiede L step-kick The man will do two Sottopiede to the left,  
2 sottopiede L step-kick  
3 riverenza presta R step/down - up and two Riverenze preste with the right foot,  
4 riverenza presta R down -up  

trabuchetto R, sottopiede R

trab-sotto and one Trabuchetto: then with the same foot he will do another Sottopiede to the right,  
6 riverenza presta R down-up with another two Riverenze preste with the right,  
7 riverenza presta R down-up  

trabuchetto R, sottopiede L

trab-step,sotto and one Trabuchetto to the right, one Sottopiede to the left,  
  9 fioretto L fio-retto with two Fioretti forwards, beginning with the left foot,  
10 fioretto R fio-retto  
11 punta e calcagnio R toe-stamp and Toe and heel with the right and with the left,  LR would seem more natural here...
12 punta e calcagnio L toe-stamp  
  13 cadenza, L behind cadenza - and the Cadenza with the left foot behind,  
14 kick L, kick R kick-kick doing two Passi in gagliarda, beginning with the left,  
15 capriol capriol - and a Capriola, landing in time with the end of the [strain of] music.  
16   -