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Canaries and Lioncello

A small class tonight, but with a visitor - yay!

We started with the mixed branle suite: Cassandra, Pinagay, Charlotte, La Guerre, Aridan. Fun and familiar.

Then Canaries: a high-speed run through common canary steps; then thee variations, made using our canary lucky-dip cards.

After the break, we spent a while considering options for the Canterbury Faire ball coming: what's working, what I should replace. We danced through La figlia, and briefly looked at some others (Belriguardo, La Castellana, Fiamma d'Amore).

Then Lioncello Novo, for three.

To finish: a fully-worked canary, and Gelosia (with three imaginary women!).

Canary mutanze

Tonight's created-on-the-spot mutanze were:

By Katherine


  1. ripresa minuita left, and flankingly forwards
  2. ripresa minuita right, and flankingly forwards
  3. seguito ordinario turning around to the left, ending with a seguito battuto right
  4. seguito ordinario turning around to the right, ending with a seguito battuto left


  1. single very slow step backwards, left
  2. single very slow step backwards, right
  3. ripresa minuita left, flankingly backwards
  4. ripresa minuita right, flankingly backwards

By James


  1. 3 riprese, LLL, trabuchetto L, flankingly forwards
  2. 4 seguiti battuti, RR LL
  3. 3 riprese, RRR, trabuchetto R, flankingly forwards
  4. 4 seguiti battuti, LL RR


  1. 2 quite slow steps backwards, LR
  2. 2 slowish steps, LR, 3 faster, LRL
  3. 2 quite slow steps backwards, RL
  4. 2 slowish steps, RL, 3 faster, RLR

Vary backwards steps with some forwards or on the spot, to manage total distance of retreat.

By David


  1. 4 steps, LRLR, 4 stamps, LL RR
  2. 4 seguiti battuti, LRLR
  3. 4 steps, RLRL, 4 stampts, RR LL
  4. 4 seguiti battuti, LRLR


  1. ripresa L, 3 trabuchetti LRL
  2. seguito scorso, turning around to the right
  3. ripresa R, 3 trabuchetti RLR
  4. seguito scorso, turning around to the left
Avondale Lions Hall
Class date: 
November 26, 2015