Classes run on Thursday evenings from 7:30-9:30pm in the Avondale Lions Hall. This block covers school term 3: from July 28th to September 22nd. There is no class on August 11th. David will be running the last class of Term 3, as I'll be teaching dance in Canberra.
Avondale Lions Hall
1630 Great North Road
Corner of Great North Road and Blockhouse Bay Road.
There is parking behind the building: turn into the carpark from Great North Road.
There is a bus stop at 1666 Great North Road, used by routes 113, 115, 135, 136, 153, 154, N13.
There are North-bound and South-bound bus-stops on both Great North Road and Blockhouse Bay Road within about 100m of the hall.
Come in by the back door - from the car-park and up the ramp
The venue has a small kitchen and urn. Feel free to bring a tea-bag or three, or a snack. There are glasses, plates, etc.
Classes run from 7:30 to 9:30pm every Thursday during school term time. We often have a small ball at or near the end of term.
(OK, I was busy this term and didn't get the booking form up in time - feel free to ignore it until term 4)
Regular: $90 for the term (10 classes) whether or not you attend every class. I don't mind whether you pay in one block, or $10 every week. If you expect to be away for a substantial portion, and know the dates in advance, we may be able to negotiate a smaller block at the 'regular' rate. This is a good option if you expect to attend 2/3 of the classes, or more. It also gives me some predictability in covering my own costs. Book, please!
Casual: you pay only for those classes you attend. Booking isn't necessary, but it's still handy for me, so I can plan classes. An emailed heads-up works just as well.
I teach to include everyone present, no matter your level of experience or skill. All are welcome, no special skills, special shoes, special clothes nor partner needed.
At 8:30 we take a short break, then until 9:30 it's a more advanced class.
Most of the time, everyone is welcome to watch, and to participate if they feel like a challenge ... but it's aimed at the most experienced dancers (some of whom have been doing this for many years). Sometimes it will be a reconstruction session (for my benefit) or a rehearsal for Capriol (my semi-professional performance troupe).
Over the next few months we'll be looking at:
I always appreciate suggestions and requests.
On the off chance that a class is cancelled, I post a notice here (and refund any class fees paid in advance), and do my best to contact regulars by email and text. Occasionally I'll ask one of my most experienced students to run a class for me, if I'm unwell or out of town.
Regulars: I really appreciate it if you let me know if you're not coming.
Casual students: I really appreciate it if you let me know if you are coming.
If I know on Thursday morning who's going to be at the class I can prepare something that works well for all of you.
You can contact me by email, or on 0272 282 977.