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Ruota di Fortune

Title translation: 
Wheel of Fortune
Dance Type: 
Number of dancers: 

The MS appears to provide lute tablature; but the article from which I made this translation includes only the first few measures.

About this translation: 

Translated by Katherine Davies 9/2006 from photocopy of transcript. My photocopy is of poor quality, and some words are cut off.

Ruota di Fortuna is found, with three other dances, in Firenze, Bilbioteca Nazionale, ms. Magl. XIX, 31; the fifth dance is La Caccia, described in a letter of 1559.

Transcript in: Gino Corto, "Cinque Balli Toscani del Cinquecento" (Rivista Italiana di Musicologia, 12 (1977), pp 73-82.



Firenze, Bilbioteca Nazionale, ms. Magl. XIX, 31.

1 r-v Ruota di Fortuna, Balleto.

The man will take the woman’s left hand with his right, and they will do a riverenza on the left, and continenze to the left and right, and then they’ll go forwards with two punte and a doppio and four riprese to the right, and then another doppio forwards with the left, and four riprese to the right, and continenze left and right, and then forwards on the left with two punte and three doppii and four riprese to the right, and a doppio forwards with the left and four riprese to the right and continenze left and right, and then they turn to face each other somewhat. Releasing her hand, the man alone will do a riverenza with the left foot, and then the woman will respond. The man alone will do this passage: two punte forwards with the left and two passi and a seguito, turning to the right hand facing/opposite the lady, and with the right foot two punte backwards and two passi with the right forwards and a seguito, and a riverenza with the left foot. And then, after him, the woman will do a riverenza, and the passage that the man has just done, that is, two punte forwards with the left foot and a scorsa turning to the left in the time of two passi and a seguito, and with the right foot she will do two the punte and the scorsa turning to the right, and then she alone will do the riverenza on the left. And then the man will do the riverenza. Taking right hands, they will do together, on the left, two punte and two passi and a seguito, turning in place, and releasing right hands and taking left hands they will do with the right, turning to the left, two punte and two passi and a seguiti, returning to place. And then the man will fo forwards and the woman backwards on the left foot with two punte and two passi and a seguito, and they return on the right in the same way, the man going backwards and the woman going forwards, and then they do a riverenza together with the left. He does La proportione [the measure; the sciolta?] taking the right hand, doing on the left four spezzate turning in place, and releasing hands, and doing another four spezzate turning turning to the left, and returning to take left hands and to to turn with four spezzate, returning to place, and releasing hands and doing four spezzate turing to the right, and they take both hands and do four spezzate to the left and hand and four to the right, and with the left foot to the left flank a punte, and another with the right foot to the right hand, and two passi releasing hands, backwards with the left, placing the left equal and four triti on the left and a seguito, the man forwards to the woman, she turning to the right. The man will take the woman by the usual hand, and doing, scurrying, in the time of a seguito to the head of the room, then the riverenza with the left, and they finish the ballo named above.