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Canario mutanza 2 - Zoom class, 2020

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2020, for Zoom dance class


Advance: 8 pairs of seguiti battuti
2 seguiti battuti LL
2 seguiti battuti RR
2 seguiti battuti LL
2 seguiti battuti RR
... etc

(this takes one strain of Canary music)

Retreat: steps backwards: 2 slow, 3 fast
step back L
step back R
step back LRL

step back R
step back L
step back RLR

repeat - again starting on the left, and again starting on the right

Take some steps forwards if necessary - to avoid retreating too far, or to add interest/drama.


The advance is the same as in Caroso's second mutanza in his 1581 manual, Il Ballarino.
The retreat is used in several places by Negri.