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Spagnioletta (Chigi)

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Translation by Katherine Davies, 3/2012.


Cascarda called Spagnioletta

The first thing one does is a riverentia with the left, and 4 spezzate, beginning with the left, and circling [al tondo]; and turning themselves to face again, do fast riprese to the left hand, and three trabochetti beginning with the right; and turning themselves to the left hand, very fast riprese; and two spezzate, first with the left then with the right, and turning themselves to the right hand, one seguito; and then one passo backwards with the left and then with the right; and one seguito forwards with the left; and one passo backwards with the right and one with the left, and one seguito forwards with the right.

And six spezzate circling turning themselves to the left hand, beginning with the left; and turning themeselves one opposite the other, the same riprese and trabochetti very fast, like the others; and seguiti turning around, first to the left hand and then to the right hand; and two passi backwards, first with the left and then with the right, and a seguito forwards; and a passo backwards with the right and one with the left, and one seguito forwards with the right.

That done the lady stops and the man does two spezzate turning himself to the left hand, and one seguito; and turning himself to the right hand, another two and a seguito; and the riprese, trabocchetti, and seguiti to the left hand and the thingsto the right hand; and two passi backwards and one seguito forwards with the left and the same with the right; and these passi backwards and seguiti forwards are also done by the lady.

And then the man stops and the lady does everythign that the man did; and then both together they do two passi backwards, one with the left and the other with the right, and one seguito forwards with the left; and two passi backwards, one with the left [sic] and the other with the right, and a seguito forwards with the right.

And then they do circling two spezzate and one seguito with the left, this is by the left hand; and two spezzate and one seguito by the right hand; riverentia and end.