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Spagnoletta Nuova (Ballarino)

Dance Type: 
About this choreography: 
Reconstruction 2006 or earlier.

Three people in a circle, not holding hands. The following instructions assume there are two women and one man. If there are two men, reverse the instructions for men and women throughout. If all dancers are of same gender, choose one to be leader.

First Verse:

    Rx minima, 4T

    2 SP in a wheel (clockwise),       2 SP, each turning in place, over own left shoulder

           Chorus, part one:

           turn left shoulder slightly out : RRTT;    returning to triangle: SP, Rx minima;      repeat to right side

           Chorus, part two:

           2 SP   flankingly backwards,    4 B returning to place;     repeat to right side

Second Verse:

    4 SP in wheel,     2 SP turning in place,     4 T;    chorus.

Third Verse:

    hay with  6 SP  ( man begins hay, passing between women then turning to left),   2 P, Cad;     chorus

Fourth verse:

    As third, but woman who stands to man's right begins hay.    Chorus.

Fifth Verse:

    As third, but woman who stands to man's left begins hay.     Chorus.

Sixth Verse:

    2 Fioretti a piedi pari, left and right,    2 T, left and right

    2 P,   SP   to left

    Repeat verse to right.    Chorus.

The final Riverenza is made after the music finishes.


A variant on the traditional couple dance, this time for three people.


My favourite recording of Spagnoletta is that on Celeste Giglio. It's a good speed, and has six verses, so is the right length for the Spagnoletta Nuova for three. The whole CD is a little quiet, though beautiful.

About this translation: 

Translation 2006 or earlier.


Done by three,
In honour of the very magnificent Lady Giulia Paulina de’Rossi.

They will stand in a triangle, that is, two women and a man, or two men and a woman, and they will do together a Riverenza minima, and four Trabuchetti. Then they will do four Seguiti spezzati, two in a wheel, and two turning to the left. Then, turning the left flank out, they will do two Riprese, two Trabuchetti, and a Seguito spezzato to the left, facing somewhat [in prospettiva], beginning each thing with the left foot, and [then] doing a Riverenza minima with the right. Then, turning the right flank out, they will do the same Riprese, Trabuchetti, and Seguito spezzato in prospettiva to the left, beginning with the right foot, and the Riverenza minima with the left foot. Then they will do two Seguiti spezzati flankingly backwards, with four Seguiti battuti di Canario, beginning with the left foot. They will do the same Seguiti spezzati and Seguiti battuti on the other side, beginning with the right foot.

In the second time [though the music] they will do eight Seguiti spezzati, four in a wheel, and two turning to the left, with four Trabuchetti facing. Then beginning with the left flank turned outwards they will do all the same actions as were described in the first verse.

In the third time, if there is one man, and two women, the man will begin to make the chain - or braid, as one may wish to call it - passing between the others, and turning to the left of the woman who stands to the left. Then he will return to pass [between], and will turn to the right. And they ladies will do the same, as they find themselves to the left, and the right. They will do six Seguiti spezzati, at the end of which (each having returned to his own place) they will do two Passi presti forwards, and a Cadenza. Then, turning the left flank out, they will make all the same motions as in the first and second verse above.

In the fourth time the woman who stands at the man’s right hand will begin to do that same chain, passing through the middle, turning to the left side of the man, and they follow on all together to do what was done in the third verse.

In the fifth time other woman will begin to do the same chain, then, when they each find themselves each in his own place, they do together all the other motions mentioned above.

In the sixth time, they will do together two Fioretti à piedi pari, two Trabuchetti, two Passi presti, and a Seguito spezzato to the left, beginning with the left foot. They will do the same to the right, beginning with the right, Then, turning the left flank out, they will do all the aforementioned actions another time, and in the end they will find themselves in a triangle, as they began, and will finish the Ballo with a Riverenza outside the music.

Done to the same music as Spagnoletta.