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Dance classes, September-December 2014

We're no longer rehearsing for Return to Terpsichore, a wonderful show we did with brilliant early music ensemble Affetto, so it's time to look at classes for the rest of the year.

Classes continue every Thursday evening, from 7:30, at CityDance. 

As usual, the first hour is open to all comers, with dances and pace chosen to be as inclusive as possible. We'll focus on Old Measures, Branles, and the simpler 15th-century Italian dances.

Since Capriol are not rehearsing at present, the second hour will also be open, but the pace will be faster and the content more difficult: keep up if you can. We'll focus on getting some of the intermediate dancers (or very enthusiastic beginners) comfortable with the steps and terminology of simpler 16th-century Italian dances; and brushing up the basics of 16th-century Italian technique for the advanced dancers.

As usual, I'll take a break from formal teaching in December and January. Classes will re-start in February next year, perhaps with a change in format.