This is a sparse description from which to "reconstruct" a dance, but tempting all the same. It's worth comparing this to Arbeau's Courante. Note the alternation of partners: first a couple, then a new gentleman dances with that lady, then that gentleman with a new lady, and so on.
Translated by Katherine Davies, 2013, from the facsimile at
Balleto for two, called the Corrente, described according to the custom of the Author.
In honour of the most Illustrious lady, Lady Anna Coira, e Raverta.
Wishing to dance this dance in company, the gentleman to that end that he be more gracious, he can put aside his cape and sword, then he wil go to take the lady, as in the following figure [note: the figures before and after this dance show a couple standing side by side, turned slightly toward each other, the man holding the woman's left hand in his right; the man is wearing both cape and sword] and together they will do the Riverenza and then they will progress a little about the dance[space], and by and by they will do the passage with the Seguiti of four Passi in fuga col saltino [steps in flight with little jumps], beginning with the left foot in front, placing the first step the right foot at the heel of the left, he does then a Passo with that foot, then he will do another Passo in saltino [step with a little jump], and the cadenza with the right foot; forwards, and the same he does beginning with the siad right foot, when the gentlemen will have done the Passi at his pleasure, contrapassando [counterfeiting, transgressing, counter-stepping] he will then do the sottopiedi per fianco [sottopiede to the flank, or to the side] to one part and the other, and the ricacciate he will do going backwards, and turning around to one side and the other, exchanging now one hand, and now the other, if the lady does not know how to do the said Passi she will do the Seguiti ordinarii with saltini [little jumps], and in place of the sottopiedi she will do the Riprese and of the recacciate she will do the fioretti Spezzati then that they will have danced as they please, another gentleman will go to take that ladies and they will dance together, and they will do the same actions, the first gentleman, does the Riverenza and returns to his place, another lady goes to take the gentleman, and they will dance withal, as the first ones did, the other lady likewise does the Riverenza and then returns to her place, and so this Corrente continues, hand in hand, until the dance is finished.