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Ballo del Fiore, for three (Ballarino)

Title translation: 
Flower dance
Number of dancers: 
As many as will
About this choreography: 
Reconstructed 7/2007. Numbering updated 2012. Could use careful checking.

Man alone begins, flower in right hand: introduction

1    Rx CC


** - repeat from here

Getting first partner:

1     PPS PPS, approaching woman (or 4S - given for woman, below)

2    CC Rx, inviting woman, take ordinary hands

3    4S, leading woman to end of room, end facing

4    CC Rx, facing, both


Getting second partner:

5    PPS PPS, approaching another woman (or 4S) (first woman stays still)

6    CC Rx, inviting second woman, take ordinary hands

7    4S, leading woman to end of room, placing second woman to the left of the first

8    CC Rx, woman side by side, man facing them - all three together


Dance all together:

9     2S turning left, 2S flankingly forwards

10   CC Rx, all facing

11   2S passeggiando together, finish in mRx [passing through? same direction?]

       2 scorsi, man passing though middle of women, doffing hat, turning left to face at end

12   2 :P:, one forwards and one backwards, Rx 

       2S fowards without passing, end facing, Rx facing

13   PPS man and first woman circling, right hands, PPS same couple, left hands

14   PPS man and second woman circling, right hands, PPS same couple, left hands

15  CC Rx all together

16   4 scorsi or 4S - hey, as in Furioso, until each returns to own place

17   CC Rx


At end of the final Riverenza the man kisses flower and gives it to first woman, then he takes the second woman by the ordinary hand.

Now, First woman (who now has flower) repeats from ** above, swapping gender roles throughout, choosing another two men. Meanwhile, man leads second woman to her spot with 4S, then both CC Rx, then he returns to his own place (presumably also with S . . ).

Note: PPS vs 4S - PPS is given first, but then he whas woman do 4S, repeating same passage. Either will do - doesn't matter when dancing alone.



This uses the same music as the other dances called Ballo del Fiore.


Number of repeats:

Numbers below, and in reconstruction above, refer to complete repeats of the strain (each long enough for 4 Seguiti ordinarii, or 2 Continenze and a Riverenza)

Repeat formula: 1 for the introduction (one dancer), plus 17 repeats for every 2 extra dancers to partcipate.

For all to partcipate, require: 1+17(n-1)/2 [n is odd and >1]

For all to lead once, require: 1+17n

[numbers from 2007? - check]