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Woman 1

Dance Type: 
Part of choreography: 

Passo Mezo (Ballarino)

About this translation: 

Katherine Davies, 2004, updated 2016

About this reconstruction: 

Katherine Davies, 2016


 This mutanza looks rather unbalanced: you go forwards, but not backwards. In practice, it works fairly well: when dancing as a couple both parties can adjust the spacing as they go. The interplay between the path of the woman doing the mutanza and the man doing the passeggio is pleasing.

  bar step text (translated) notes
  1 spezzato L   The Lady will begin her first variation, doing two Seguiti spezzati flankingly forwards,  
3 spezzato R    
  5 trabuchetto L and three Trabuchetti grave, beginning with the left foot:  
6 trabuchetto R  
7 trabuchetto L  
  9 spezzato R then she will return to do the same another time on the other side, taking care to do the final Trabuchetto with even feet.
11 spezzato L  
  13 trabuchetto R  
14 trabuchetto L  
15 trabucchettoR  
Condensed version, for calling: 
  1.  spez-za-
  2.  -to -
  3.  spez-za-
  4.  -to -
  5.  trab
  6.  trab
  7.  trab
  8.  -
  9.  spez-za-
  10.  -to -
  11.  spez-za-
  12.  -to -
  13.  trab
  14.  trab
  15.  trab
  16. -