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Black Alman

Also known as: 

the blacke allman, Blacke, The blacke Almane, The Black Almaine, The Black Amaine, Black Almain

Dance Type: 
Number of dancers: 
couples, as many as will

A. Four doubles forwards

B. Face your partner. Four doubles in this pattern:

  • double backwards, away from partner
  • double forwards, towards your partner
  • turn 90 degrees to your own left, double - the lines of men and women will walk past each other
  • turn 180 degrees, double back to your partner

C. Face your partner. Men set and turn, then women:

  • Men: single sideways to left, then sideways to right
  • Men: double turning in place, to the left (anticlockwise)
  • Women: single sideways to left, then sideways to right
  • Women: double turning in place, to the left (anticlockwise)

D. Take both hands with partner. 

  • double left, circling, to change places (anticlockwise)
  • four "French slides" (sliding steps sideways) "up the hall" (to men's right)
  • double left, circling, back into own place (anticlockwise)
  • four "French slides" down the hall (to men's right again)

E. Drop hands.

  • double backwards away from partner
  • double forwards towards partner

Take hands and start the dance again.

In the second time through, the women do the set and turn first.